Where to birth in the Hunter?

Great News! There are many birth choices in the Hunter (see below). Contact me for your FREE 15 minute consult to find out the ideal option for YOU - for YOUR needs, wants and desires.

Ring and chat about these listed options.

Give me a call or use the contact form to send an enquiry, I am happy to help you learn the finer details of the options listed above.

Pregnant and wanting information to enjoy a positive birth?

Welcome to my birth choices information and birth services website, Natalie Meade.

Birth Education


To experience the highest potential of your birth experience, ensure you get the highest quality of private, specialist, education (standard hospital courses don't cut it) and private support (eg a doula).

The time and energy you invest in your birth will reward you for your entire lifetime, subsequent births and your next generations too!

You are very welcome to chat choices and/or do a birth course with me. Nat
If you are LUCKY enough to live in the Hunter, come along and let's do a face to face Birth Course together, I run them not-for-profit as part of my local Birth Community Work!

Birth Doula

A Birth Doula is a very special and helpful part of any families' birth journey.

Other supporters can end up too stressed, freaked out or too worried, to be present emotionally. IN the meantime, your Birth Doula remains steadfast by your side, believing in you and sending you the vibe “you’ve got this”!

A Birth Doula is there for you for the entire journey (pregnancy, birth and postpartum) – she brings birth education and information, she is emotionally supportive, reassuring and calm.

Online Birth Course

You can be anywhere in Australia (or the world) and we can work together via online, zoom, LIVE sessions. A new group starts each month. Always beginning on the the first Tuesday night of the month. You are very welcome to chat choices and/or do a birth course with me. Nat

Postnatal Support/Doula

Birth and recovery is a HUGE thing.

Your care provider may give some limited support and information, but it can often be a struggle to get great personal care and help as quickly as you need it.

Start learning now, the great, local people to assist you.
Ring or text Nat on 0406 934 645 and ask for referrals, recommendations and ideas. I am happy to share my accumulated wisdom.

Breastfeeding Support

Get educated about the natural physiology of birth and breastfeeding.

Then make choices that enhance and fit well with your bodies’ natural hormones and systems. Personally, I am super glad I persisted with the tough stages of breastfeeding and I was even blessed to experience a four and a half year breastfeeding journey with my final child.

Ring or text Nat 0406 934 645 and ask for my hot tips for successful breastfeeding and recommended private, specialist, courses.

Parenting Support

Parenting is hugely challenging!

Your care provider may give some limited support and information, but it can often be a struggle to get great personal care and help as quickly as you need it. Start learning now, the great, local, people who can assist you.

Ring or text Nat 0406 934 645 and ask for referrals, recommendations and ideas at anytime.

Respect and honour to the Awabakal and Worimi people as the original and wise custodians of this land. Honour to those who have birthed and breastfed their babies on this sacred land for more than 65,000 years.